Our mission is to foster a community of skilled masonry heater and wood-fired oven builders.
We supply hardware, publish articles, and host a forum for DIYers and Professionals.
Masonry Heater Hardware
We sell hardware for custom masonry heater, batch box, rocket mass heater and cookstove construction including firebox doors, oven doors, bypass dampers, cleanout doors, ash doors, cooktops and grates. Easy to shop and ready to ship!
Featured Products:
PR04 Firebox Door$590.00
Z106 Bypass Damper$70.00
T201 Cooktop$510.00
K204 Oven Door$345.00
K402 Firebox Door$295.00
K505 Firebox Door$490.00
Innovators in Wood-Fired Heating & Cooking
Our business is evolving! We are going to focus on supporting other designers and builders in 2024 and beyond.
The best thing you can do to stay in touch is join our mailing list!… Seriously!

Custom Masonry Heaters
Masonry heaters are the best way to heat your home in a comfortable, ecological & sustainable way. Custom heaters provide you the opportunity to choose the design and finishes that best integrate into your home.
Wood-Fired Ovens
We are experts in residential and commercial bread and pizza ovens. We also combine ovens with grills, countertops & storage to design the outdoor kitchen of your dreams.

Outdoor Kitchens
Whether you’re looking for an intimate place to dine and entertain with friends and family or looking to expand the dining possibilities of your farm or vineyard—outdoor kitchens will take your hospitality to new levels. Take a look at some of our work and begin dreaming.